So far my Facebook group, Swann’s Lounge, seems to be a success. But it comes at a price. On one of the more popular threads people are listing “obscure” SF/F titles. There’s a lot of good stuff in there.  But apparently it’s been long enough for Jack L. Chalker’s Well of Souls, and Julian May’s  Saga of Pliocene Exile to become obscure to some folks. Given that I bought both these series as they came out. . .  Let’s just say it made me feel my age.

1 Comment

Rhio2k · March 24, 2018 at 11:52 pm

I picked up a copy of MATWOS at a local flea market (FunLan in Tampa, FL) back when I was like 11. It came out the year I was born. It’s old, but I wouldn’t say it’s obscure.

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