Progressives really get steamed when people point to the Tea Party and/or Libertarians as the spiritual successors to the last great anti-establishment mass movements of the 60s and 70s. To them I provide the following interview with Starchild, a San Francisco erotic services provider and Libertarian candidate for school board (h/t):

I might also note that chief among my libertarian friends are a pagan SF author and a long-haired dude who makes guitars for rock bands, while every single progressive I know is pretty much part of the establishment.


michelle · January 4, 2011 at 10:20 am

Damn it! I never wanted to be a dirty hippie! OTOH, suddenly I’m one of the cool kids!

Libertarian Fantasy · December 16, 2015 at 1:16 pm

Hippies weren’t backed by a billion dollar propaganda industry, didn’t kill the anti-war movement, didn’t consistently choose hypocritical warmongers and corporate welfare queens to lead them (Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Elon Musk, Charles Koch). They were idiots and focused on subculture rather than improving culture, but they weren’t the subhuman garbage that is libertarianism.

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