Outsourcing Your Stupidity

It has been a while since I’ve done a rant about plagiarism. It’s one of the more corrosive bits of self-destruction writers engage in. It might be envy, or laziness or something deep-seated and broken in the writer’s psyche, but in most cases I’ve heard of, the plagiarist is compulsive Read more…

What the Punk?

So a few days ago Slate published an article in what has become a distressingly common subgenre we could call “People are writing SF wrong! Here’s what we must do to fix it!” It seems to have been inspired by an earlier article in Vox about “Hopepunk,” a nascent literary movement whose Read more…

Self-Destructive Writerly Sins

I’ve written before about the self-destructive urges writers get. Plagiarism needs to be near the top of the list.  Penning sexist rants about your greatness to an agent is another. And, of course, there’s always the venerable Internet meltdown. Now we have another example of something authors really shouldn’t do Read more…

Lounging About

I just want to let people know about my continued effort to integrate myself into the social media landscape (or other buzzwords to that effect) I have launched myself a Facebook group called Swann’s Lounge. So, for those of you on Facebook, you can join a bunch of like-minded folks Read more…