No Intelligence Allowed (I’ll say)

You may have heard about the move Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed which apparently exposes the vast conspiracy of the scientific establishment to keep “Intelligent Design” from being taught in science classes alongside Evolution. This is sort of like the Yankees making a movie bemoaning the NFL’s conspiracy to keep them Read more…

LOL is Win!

Wo hoo! I won Scalzi’s LOLCreation contest with the following entry: If you’ve read my earlier post on Science Religion you probably know why, though I’m respectful of people’s belief systems, I find the concept behind the Creation Museum eminently mockable. Here’s the point: Faith = The belief in a Read more…

Science <> Religion

Jose, over at Meme Therapy just quizzed me for one of their “Brain Parades”. One of the questions he asked me, and subsequent browsing of the site, ignited a pet peeve of mine: WOULD EVERYONE STOP TREATING SCIENCE AND RELIGION LIKE THE SAME THING?!? “No, Mr. Swann,” you say, “I Read more…