
Writing tip: If you want to really do this, you can’t complain about lacking the time.  If you lack the time, it’s only because you have placed things higher on the priority list than actually writing. Things like blogging. . . That is all.

Still here

The quiet is due to me working on Marked, the new project that (at the moment) supersedes the NaNoWriMo novel.  I’m working on that one because, even though the NaNoWriMo project has more words, Marked is in a state closer to completion.  This is primarily due to having written a Read more…

Book Stuff and Blog Stuff

For audiobook fans, I have good news.  Blackstone Audio has just contracted to do an audiobook version of Wolf’s Cross.  I’ve also added buy links for the versions of Prophets and Heretics.   I also finally added this widget: . To the Wolf’s Cross page.

Two Blogish Things

Blogish Thing #1: The Amazon/Macmillan thing continues rolling on, making Amazon look more and more the villian to those of us who write for a living.  Reactions are varied, and I’d like to endorse Scalzi’s call not to boycott, but to buy books from the affected authors. Also like Scalzi, Read more…