If you’ve followed my blog, you’ve seen me talk about our dog Truffles. Back during the summer, she was stricken with something, no one has yet diagnosed what, that weakened her until she was unable to walk. At first we thought it was neurological, but she was never completely paralyzed. In fact, even when I had to carry her outside three times a day she still has had fewer accidents in the house than Lilly the boxer. So we got her a cart, and started swimming her three times a week. And just recently, we discovered that I could get her to move around with some physical support and the promise of a cookie.

Now, I am happy to report, Truffles has gotten strong enough that she can walk again:

truffle walk 1

truffle walk 2

She’s still rather unsteady, and can’t keep it up for more than a dozen feet or so, but this is more than we’d ever expected.