Thought I’d point this out on the blog proper. At the Blood of the Muse there’s a cool review of Wolfbreed which is not just cool because he liked the book, it’s also cool because of the meta-commentary about werewolves in general being the red-headed stepchild of classic monsters.

Werewolves. They are like the annoying little brother of the monster family, a me-too, tag-along, smearing their mustard encrusted corndog over your new iPod type of annoyance. They try to act cool, all slouched posture and affected sneer, conspiratorially smoking in the Boy’s Room with the bigger boys like zombies and vampires, hoping coolness can be transferred by association. But in the end werewolves are strictly second-tier in the realm of scary critters, the Lon Chaney Jr. to the more accomplished Lon Chaney Sr. They’re lamer than a three-legged horse prowling the water troughs at Pimlico, naying forlornly, one hoof away from the dog food factory.