
The Lab is showing marked improvement in her mobility.  She’s still unable to stand on her own, but she can push the Trufflemobile around now without assistance (she still needs to be bribed with treats, but that’s different.) and last session at the pool she wasn’t having any of that stupid “taking a break” stuff, and managed to swim a whole length of the pool without assistance.  Then there are a host of other little things; she’s holding her head up a lot more, she’s not crossing her back legs when she’s held up, and generally seems to be in better spirits.  It looks like whatever is wrong, it isn’t degenerative myelopathy, otherwise she wouldn’t be improving like this.

1 Comment

Dr.Marie · October 29, 2009 at 11:56 am

Glad to hear that Truffle is improving! If you are looking for information on paralysis issues that can affect dogs, there is good info at

Dr. Marie.

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